No.2 Norham Gardens - View from Norham Gardens
No.2 Norham Gardens, Oxford - Internal upgrade & refurbishment - View from Wycliffe Hall
No.2 Norham Gardens, Oxford - Proposed first floor plan
Detail plan - Proposed finishes
Internal elevations - finishes
No.2 Norham Gardens - View from Norham Gardens
No.2 Norham Gardens - View from Norham Gardens

No.2 Norham  Gardens, Oxford is a large detached Victorian townhouse within the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area that is used by Wycliffe Hall for student accommodation, seminar rooms and staff offices.

Project 51 Architecture has been sub-consulted by MEB Design Ltd to develop sketch proposals through to Tender stage documents.

The proposals are to update and upgrade the internal rooms of the building by sensitively placing bathroom pods in stud wall partitions to provide quality student en-suite rooms. The proposals also aim to update and improve the heating, plumbing and associated mechanical services within the building.

The project is at tender stage, January 2017.

No.2 Norham Gardens, Oxford - Internal upgrade & refurbishment - View from Wycliffe Hall
No.2 Norham Gardens, Oxford - Internal upgrade & refurbishment - View from Wycliffe Hall
No.2 Norham Gardens, Oxford - Proposed first floor plan
No.2 Norham Gardens, Oxford - Proposed first floor plan
Detail plan - Proposed finishes
Detail plan - Proposed finishes
Internal elevations - finishes
Internal elevations - finishes